Turris Eburnea Academy’s primary goal is to bring greater glory to God by restoring the sacred to Catholic education. Our students will emerge prepared to play a lifelong role in defending the Catholic faith; in rebuilding Catholic culture in the world; and in the restoration of Christendom that is to come. They will be shining examples of how to live prayerfully and piously.
Entering our sixth academic year in 2025/2026
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We aspire to reach our goals by restoring:
A traditional, classical model of Catholic education, with an approach that is rooted in natural law
Face to face learning that exposes children to their pastor, teachers and other children in a peaceful classroom setting without distractions.
Traditional textbooks that do not distort the history and culture of the Catholic Church, but rather celebrate the truth, goodness and beauty it has brought to the world over the course of over two thousand years.
A learning environment where children are taught how to receive instruction, discover information and find enjoyment with minimal use of technology.
We provide a complete curriculum and weekly lesson plans for our families.
At Turris Eburnea Academy, students will receive a thoroughly Catholic, fully traditional education that includes instruction and preparation in:
The fundamental academic subjects: reading (with phonics), writing, mathematics, history, science, Latin and Greek.
The philosophical and theological underpinnings of the Catholic faith
The Catholic Church’s central role in the formation of Western tradition, history, culture
Prayer and the interior life
The traditional roles of women and men
Manners, etiquette and modesty
Proper reverence and respect for the clergy and religious
Discernment of the priesthood and religious life and exposure to a wide range of non-religious vocations, professions, trades, career paths and domestic life
Identification of colleges with solid Catholic values and teachings
Electives for girls (sewing, cooking) and boys (altar server training).