Frequently Asked Questions

  • Yes, use of our curriculum is required. Weeky lesson plans are provided for use in the homeschool on days that we do not have class.

  • Our curriculum was developed by a team that includes two trained teachers. This team is also responsible for developing the weekly lesson plans that families use in the homeschool. This team spent nearly a year researching and comparing available homeschool and classical curricula as well as books and materials that are true to traditional Catholic ideals and will help restore the sacred to education. We continuously review and optimize our curriculum.

  • Tuition for the 2024/2025 will be communicated to enrolled families. Uniforms, books and supplies are paid separately. Our school is currently staffed and funded entirely by generous volunteers and benefactors. May God abundantly reward them for their generosity. Contributions to the school are always greatly appreciated.

  • No, we are a hybrid homeschool academy. Parents do not stay during class days. Class time is time for the children to learn to interact independently with their teachers and other children in a traditional classroom setting.

  • Opening day for the 2024/2025 academic year will be September 9. Our academic year consists of two twelve week terms. In addition to the twelve weeks of classes we will have special activity days and field trips.

  • Classes are held at Immaculate Conception Church, in the lower level (preschool and kindergarten), or in the Immaculate Conception parish office suite next door.

  • Parents do not stay at Turris Eburnea throughout the class day. Class time is time for the children to learn to interact independently with their teachers and other children in a traditional classroom setting.

  • Turris Eburnea Academy is currently primarily staffed by volunteers and funded by generous benefactors. If you are a parent or parishioner interested in volunteering, please use our contact form on this website to send us a message so that we may consider your request. If you are interested in providing a donation, please use the yellow donate button on the top right corner of this website to contribute to the Turris Eburnea Fund.

  • Families will be ordering books and supplies directly from Turris Eburnea Academy later this summer. There is no need to purchase in advance.

  • Yes, there are quizzes and tests that will allow us to provide evaluations. This is to ensure that students are on track and learning. This also enables us to offer transcripts that reflect the student’s progress in class work, assignments and quizzes as well as their attentiveness and behavior in class, adherence to uniform policy and attendance.

  • Yes, we provide transcripts, evaluations and attendance records for students.

  • The value of the program comes from the continuity and cohesion of everyone working together. For that reason we ask families to commit to attending both class days, every week. Rare exceptions may be made after evaluation by the administration.

  • The official mode of communication related to the Academy is our Forum. Each family is required to have an account and to monitor the Forum for updates. The Forum is also used by teachers to send materials and files. The Forum is best experienced on a computer, not a phone. Text and chat groups outside of the Forum are not permitted. The Forum is easily access from the menu bar at the top of the Academy website.

  • At all times, parents and teachers should wear appropriate, clean attire that exemplifies Christian modesty, dignity and respect. Women should wear a dress or skirt that goes below the knee. Shoulders and chests should be covered. Men should wear a collared shirt, long pants.

    Tight fitting, low cut, sleeveless and revealing clothing as well as T-shirts, shorts, and clothing with logos are not appropriate.

    It is customary for women and girls to cover their heads with a veil when in the church. Veiling has always been seen by Catholic women as part of an edifying example of modesty and composure before the Blessed Sacrament. We are carrying forward the venerable tradition from those that came before us to those who come after us.

    Every student will be required to wear our uniform every week. Uniforms should fit adequately and be kept neat and clean. Details about the uniform policy can be found in this FAQ.

  • Girls:
    Turris Eburnea blue jumper or blue plaid skirt (sizing must ensure that the skirt falls below the knee)
    Gray or light blue collared shirt
    Navy blue or black tights
    Black shoes (no sneakers)
    Navy blue sweater or sweater vest White Veil

    Navy blue uniform pants
    Gray or light blue collared shirt
    Blue or black socks
    Black shoes (no sneakers)
    Navy blue sweater or sweater vest

    Girls should have leggings available if they plan to participate in physical education class or out on the playground.

    Turris Eburnea patches may be placed on the left chest area of shirts, sweaters or vests. Patches are available from the office.

    Jackets, coats, backpacks, book bags, lunch boxes and other items should be simple in color - either blue or black (no patterns, no characters and no large logos).

  • Absolutely no electronics are permitted in the classroom by either the students, teachers and staff. This includes smart phones, smart watches and tablets. Teachers may occasionally use computers for presentations or other instructional purposes.

  • Yes, we will have a boys basketball team for boys ages 6 through 12. This team is open to all boys, not just students at Turris Eburnea Homeschool Academy and will start during the summer.

  • We are currently initiating the process for accreditation with NAPCIS.

  • When families register for the Academy they are making a commitment for the entire Academic year. The success of the Academy depends on the regular attendance and the strong commitment of each family. The Academy is not a drop in program. Students are expected to attend all class days. Attendance records are kept. No more than three absences will be permitted. Family vacation and travel should be planned so that it does not coincide with class days. If you will be absent, please be sure to let us know in advance using the “Report an Absence” channel on our Forum.

  • For the protection of all children and families involved, and in order to ensure the highest quality program, we request that families be considerate of others regarding illness. People with the following symptoms should not attend classes or events:

    -Fever (within the last 24 hours)
    -Diarrhea, vomiting or nausea (2 times within the last 24 hours)
    -Colored mucus from nose or throat
    -Severe cough
    -Contagious rash
    -Presence of a contagious virus, disease, infection or infestation (ie. influenza, chicken pox, head lice, etc.) in the family

    Should a child begin to feel ill or suffer injury during a class day or event, while on campus or at an event venue, parents will be contacted for their care. A supply of simple first aid materials will be kept on hand for use by members, when needed.

  • In the unlikely event of inclement weather, we will communicate any weather and hazardous travel related cancellations to families, as soon as possible. This will be done through the Forum. Every effort will be made to communicate cancellations by 6:00am on the morning of a class day or event. Please always check the Forum before leaving for a class day or event, if the weather looks questionable.