Catechetical Program
Note: The deadline for registering in the 2024/2025 program has passed. Please read below to learn more about our program. Registration for 2025/2026 will begin in August.
The Turris Eburnea Catechetical program is for students not enrolled in the Turris Eburnea Homeschool Academy. Participation in the program is required for receipt of the sacraments of First Holy Eucharist and Confirmation.
In addition to successful participation in the program, children must meet the Diocesan age requirements by the date the sacrament is conferred:
Confirmation: Age 12
First Holy Eucharist: Age 7
The dates for the conferring of the sacraments in 2025 have been set:
Confirmation - Friday, June 6, 2025
First Holy Eucharist - External Solemnity of Corpus Christi - June 22, 2025
Classes are held on Wednesdays at 6:00pm in the parish office (in 2024, classes start on Wednesday, September 18), Attendance at all Wednesday classes and demonstration of knowledge is required for receipt of the sacraments.
A program of accommodation is available, especially to those outside certain geographic boundaries, with the approval of the pastor and the Turris Eburnea Academy board. The Turris Eburnea catechism curriculum must be used and evaluation by the Turris Eburnea teachers will be made prior to the receipt of the sacrament.
If these requirements are not met, sacraments will be deferred to the next academic year.